Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Elegance of Nature

Imagine the mama loon with her baby on her back -
                                       swimming in calm waters with other creatures of nature.
Ann N spent time researching and sketching various sizes of loons.
Using a lot of broken pottery that she has made in the past,
Ann made this beautiful loon:
We want her to be in our mosaic with the cat tails.
AND we want the cat tails to be recognizable.
First to audition for the part were the Arizona beads.
They could have worked but then we found something else to work with the beads.
It's Sandra T's mom's polished stones.
Below is the final result. Stones, tile and beads won out.
And look! There's the loon with her baby!!!
I'll show you the rest when the water gets put in.
We do spend time thinking out our plan.
These cat tails and weeds were a brainstorm beginning with Ann's brain.
Together, we drew out the marsh fauna on the sides of the box water panels.
  Some of us work with our tongue sticking out.
Gladys is no exception.
Here she is helping her human companion Sarah put artistic touches to her wave.Sarah put an Arizona Bead fish in her wave.
Ann is putting in a little school of fish.
Of course!
Fish and water. They go together.

Pamela is moving along with her beautiful wave.
It's so nice when folks come in to work...
...even if they can't come very often or stay too long.
A little at a time and "Wah-Lah" - you have a piece of art!
Another wave panel done by Sarah.
She is truly a pro;
she can fit those tiles in beautifully and her waves are gorgeous.

We even had a brief visit from Sarah's friend Lori.
We love appreciators any time we can get them.
It was a good two days in the Mosaic Studio.

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