Ann has been spending extra hours in the studio to bring her mallard to completion.
Notice how wonderful the reflection of the mallard is in the water
- and how the water seems to splash up at the point of his entrance.
And then there's the leaf bowing into the water
making concentric water circles to widen from the point.
Ann is truly an artist and we're lucky to have her.
Helen and Sarah are working together on this panel originally designed by Ann.
there are reflections in this one too - including more concentric water circles
rippling out from the bill of the duck.
We had to combine two portions of this panel because
we switched this scene with the Community of Fish...
which produced a number of problems in placement
because of the exit hole for the water from the roof of the church.
We had to move Malcolm Mallard tending the chicks to get him out of the hole.
One duck had to be eliminated.
But not Randy's duck.
Randy didn't get a chance to finish his duck so Sarah did her best to
complete it the way she thought he wanted it.
Turned out pretty cute.
Thanks Randy and Sarah.
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