Ann's mallard duck panel is FINISHED!!! Look how beautiful it is.
Ann's masterpiece is the mallard on the left.
Helen's masterpiece is the floating mallard with the chicks.
Sarah finished the duck Randy was working on. It's a beautiful duck.
There are two areas that we're thinking need a little tweaking but I'm not going to tell you where.
You can see if you know the difference when it's installed.
I know - I love games.
Betsy and I worked on this one.
It's going to be the step down from the concrete box at the top of the trough.

Lucky us! We had a visit from Isabel, Sarah's niece. And boy did she work on the mosaic for us.

Below is her lovely flower burst - we might have to let her take that one home since the
Children's Flower Garden is finished - and all other flower gardens as well.
I think it's a direct copy of Isabel's beautiful, happy face.
Here's a closer look:
Then she made a fish for the Community of fish.

And then another!!!!

And then ANOTHER!!!
We didn't have a spot for this one - the C of F was filled.
So. She can take this sunset one home too!
That helped us finish up the spaces in Cori's panel.
Isabel did a really lovely job. Glad she came...all the way from Iowa.
Here is Cori's panel of the Community of Fish.
Can you find your fish if you made one?
It's been a good week in the Mosaic Studio.