and added his artistic touch to our community of fish panel.
Below is his first fish!

His talent expanded to make his second fish that same day!
Must have been the ball game he listened to.
Cori embarked on a second fish for that same panel.
Lots of color. Must be happy fish.
We were really nice to our other Twins fan, Pamela.
We turned the radio to the baseball game and kept her long enough
to finish up the cattails and some of the sunset on this one.
My little froggie's eyes light up! Yay!
I'm working on our state flower - the lady slipper.
Using pink beads for that little pouch in the front and
glass, tile and a pink plate for the petals.
Ann has a special touch using beads and broken dishes.
Look at that air flow in the sky. She put in a few glass buttons as well.
Can't wait to see this one when it's done.
Helen puzzled over her lilies to get just the right colors in the right places.
In fact, she pulled some of her tiles off of the white one
to make it the lovely lily as it is now.
Betsy has put moss on the north side of this tree.
That red headed woodpecker seems to think there are some good pickin's in it.
It's a trick to get things to look like you want them to look
which involves a lot of trying and thinking.
Sarah was working on her panel and discovered some path making tilesall squared off and even. Should she put more path behind the rabbit?
I think that rabbit will have to turn around for more of the cabbage behind him...
Just sayin'.
Yup. Once again, it was a good week in the Mosaic Studio.
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