Saturday, June 6, 2015

Some done, some not done.

Nice to have bee balm in our garden. Thanks Sarah!
It looks good with your butterfly and that other flower that we don't know what it is.
Maybe someone will tell us.

And Kathleen's pumpkin patch keeps growing......
Kathleen's sister Naomi came for a visit and helped a little with the pumpkin patch.
I think that included some cutting and nipping of tiles.
It sure isn't "sissy" work.

Charlotte Elizabeth had a pedicure and her toes are "painted" red.
AND she is tromping down the water plants with her dance.
The nerve!
Charlotte will fit in this larger panel.
She'll have the state flower and lily pads to the left and some cat tails on the right.
There is still much to do.
We've got birds, flowers, wind, sky, greenery and backgrounds to figure out.

Sometimes we "audition" various colors with beads, stones, tiles and glass
for our piece. And sometimes it just doesn't seem to gel.
So sometimes we just have to leave it for a day or three and come back to it.
That's why there are signs such as these:
"I've come unglued!!! Please do not disturb me!!!"
Thanks Helen. Guess you got tired of the rest of us lifting and dumping your tiles.

Ann and I decided to see how this panel is going to work side-by-side,
so we laid them out end to end. We think it's going to work!!! Yay.
 Here's a close-up of Ann's jewel box morning glories next to Sarah's happy flower.
But wait! That's the one with the two giant mosquitoes and a fly! Careful.
Helen's daffodils (or are they jonquils?) are wonderful next to Betsy's pretty poppies
It's been a good week in the Mosaic Studio.

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