Thursday, April 16, 2015

Gladys Graced our Studio!

Sarah's dog Gladys came for a visit Wednesday.
She is a very good visitor and minds her mistress.
Gladys enjoys a little scratching under her chin -
and on her head -
and of course loves to be petted.
She's such a good dog and has visited us so many times that
it was decided she should represent the canine population in our mosaic.
Here's a possibility - Gladys curled up and sleeping quietly.
Can you see her?!!! Hint: She has a Lady Bug nose.
 We have a few extra fish to incorporate into the waters....
.....and by golly, we've got a MERMAID (made by Cepeda E.).
AND she has a treasure chest with precious gems below the water.
Here's a closer look:
  Jane has finished her panel of water
and has incorporated a fish of polished rocks made by Ann N
with the rocks from Sandra T's mom's collection.
Lucky us.
  Cori has invited Sarah's fish to swim in her water panel.
That little fishy must like the exotic purple water.
Sarah nestled my koi fish in a wave.
Isn't that fish clever? She can swim UP!
(either that or I couldn't get the photo to turn after many different tries!)
It was a good Tuesday and Wednesday in the Mosaic Studio.

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