Our little group had some fun on Sunday.
Grayson worked on his detailed piece but had to leave before I got his photo.
Granddaughter Cepeda made a butterfly to live in the flower garden part of the mosaic.
Mama Dawn helped out by sorting some of the tiles and offering support.
We like to keep the studio relatively tidy and easy to work in. Thanks Dawn.
This tidiness in the studio reminds me about the heavy, large mirror I smashed
a couple weeks ago to use in the mosaics. What a mess that made on the floor!
It needed more than a little once over.
After notifying Nolan of the "jillions" of shards on the floor,
it was vacuumed TWICE soon after.
Nolan and Chris were our heroes on this count. Wow! The place cleaned up beautifully.
Linnea continued working on her pretty red flower.
It will make a nice "splash" in the Children's Flower Garden.
A favorite activity for the kids is to smash the big square tiles to reduce the size.
Absolute requirement is to wear safety glasses for this. (We have only one pair)
Then the larger pieces can be either smashed some more
or clipped with the tile nippers.
Below is Linnea in blurred "hammer action". Beware!
It was a good day in the mosaic studio.
Donation Thank You:
Sandy H. for small jars to be used for glue
Deb S. for a piece of pottery made by her mother.
Sarah for a pretty and thick broken glass (her favorite).
Pieces of it will now live in the Mosaic Garden.
Sandra T. for some beautiful rocks.
My dentist, Dr. Catalin Constantin for
dental instruments that are used in moving the little tiles around and resetting them.
We're making good use of all.
Let me know if I've forgotten someone/something.
We still could use a first aid spray and some band aids.