We tried to hire contortionists for this part of the job but alas,
we had to become those bendy bodied people ourselves.
Pam worked with diligence and does a fine job.
Look! She's enjoying it!!!
Others bend and twist to clean buckets and rags.
Sarah checks in with us almost daily between clients.
We really don't want her to damage her massage hands
so she doesn't get to grout and clean tiles.
- we need her after the install!
My buddy Sandy is our little perfectionist
and it's exactly what is needed in this grouting job.
This will be a testament to one of her many talents.
Isn't it beautiful?!!!!
And look there. To the left. On the bench. Yes! That's Bob N.
He's come to work and is helping immensely.
We try to remember to hydrate as often as possible.

Our workers get hungry after all the work being done.
Here's Helen N signing for the Pizza Luce.
Lucky us.
Thanks Vicki!
More waves - and are those alligators?!!!
Children's Flower Garden